English-A Guided Tour of Gameplay Abilities _ Inside Unreal.txt

encompass: 많은 것을 포함하다, 아우르다

extend: 더 길게 만들다, 연장하다, 확대하다

[16:41] So Gameplay Tags are a separate system from gameplay abilities that is I believe in the engine by default. You don’t have to turn it on like a plugin. And What it is is it’s a type of variable that wraps itself around a series of hierarchical tags like this.

[22:52] Many of the functions in the ability system component have multiple alternate ways of handling them, either with input codes or with tags or with ability spec handles, which are these handles that you can keep around to keep track of an ability that you have added.

[23:49] So Gameplay Attributes are basically numeric values that have a concept of a current value and a default value. They are intended to be accessed through reflection by Gameplay Effects and by other various data-driven types of systems. And basically, this is the way that you give a character stats. They can be used for a veriety of different types of stats that you need for calculations in Gameplay Abilities, including things like the character’s health, if you want to affect their hitpoints and things like that.

[27:59] You should, number one, avoid directly changing gameplay attributes with code, if you can possibly help it. That is to say, don’t go writing a bunch of functions that call set attribute on the different attributes that you have defined in your attribute set.

[29:25] Attach it to something that has an ability system component. And likewise, don’t go attaching ability system components to everything. Ability System Components are intended to be attached to an actor that is like a top-level instigator.

[30:09] The ability system has a concept of, when you use an ability, there is a source for the ability and a source for the effects that it triggers, and then a target for the effects that it triggers. And the source is the ability system component that owns the ability. And so the best way to condense everything that you’re doing and make sure that the responsibility for what’s going on is clear is for the ability system component to be attached to your character or some other top-level actor that you want to be responsible for triggering this effect. If you want to have attributes fed into it from weapons and things like that, then you would simply have variables attached to the weapon in some way, or a data table that’s attached to the weapon, that would feed information up to the character and its attributes set, and fill out live attributes that you want to use to keep track of their current weapon damage and things like that.

[58:08] Gameplay Cues are basically a way to encapsulate a visual effect or any other type of cosmetic information that is needed for when a gameplay effect gets applied to a character. So this example, I have this regen cue.
