
UTexture2D* UKismetRenderingLibrary::ImportFileAsTexture2D(UObject* WorldContextObject, const FString& Filename)
		return FImageUtils::ImportFileAsTexture2D(Filename);

UTexture2D* FImageUtils::ImportFileAsTexture2D(const FString& Filename)
		UTexture2D* NewTexture = nullptr;
		TArray64<uint8> Buffer;
		// 파일을 버퍼로 읽어온다.
		// Load a binary file to a dynamic array with two uninitialized bytes at end as padding.
		if (FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(Buffer, *Filename))
			  // 버퍼를 Texture2D 타입으로 변환
				NewTexture = FImageUtils::ImportBufferAsTexture2D(Buffer);

						UE_LOG(LogImageUtils, Warning, TEXT("Error creating texture. %s is not a supported file format"), *Filename);
				UE_LOG(LogImageUtils, Warning, TEXT("Error creating texture. %s could not be found"), *Filename);

		return NewTexture;